Friday, October 26, 2012

Love Yourself ^^

Hello beautiful ones! ^_^

After reading Bubzbeauty's diary, I got inspired to share her thoughts and I believe this is yours and mine too. ^^

What does society now tells us about beauty? 


And its so hard to be perfect because perfection never ends.

True we can never be perfect, but in our own way we can. We are created perfectly by our Creator. Whatever we are now, it is our perfection. It is "us". It is "YOU".

So learn to love the person you sees in your mirror (as Bubz says). Whenever you see that person, say positive things. Don't judge yourself, don't put yourself down. It's between you and you. 

And really that's my struggle. Whenever I look in the mirror I always see the flaws and the negatives. And the result is I won't never ever look in the mirror anymore. 

But as I knew how I was created and why was I created, I learn to love me.

I was created because of God's love. He made me special, unique, and beautiful.

Whenever you look in the mirror, don't mind the flaws, see what's inside and say it aloud.

"I am a strong person, I choose to be happy always. I love to sing, to draw, to play piano. I love dogs. I love being with my friends and family and I care for them alot. This is me. And I am perfect as me."

Saying it with your lips is much better than just thinking it in your head. 

Make sure no one is around when you say it aloud. lol

It's between you. You and you. (haha)

Just try it. ^^

We are special, we are loved. So choose to be happy. ^__^


If you want to know more about Bubz, here's her site:

love love,


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

4 Days to go..

...and we're off to Baguio!! ^O^/

So excited.. 

New place.. New adventure.. New memories.. ^.^

Surely we will travel more soon..

Well, Tokyo is next..!! ^__^

Yokoso Japan!! 


...and wait, I found this:

haha.. interesting.. ^^

but to me, having a map doesn't sound good at all.. I'm no-good at directions.. *laughs*

~~Yuki   *looking forward coming to Japan *tehee**

Sunday, October 14, 2012

We will be there... personally see these majestic creations..

Tokyo, Japan..

wait for us.. ^o^



So true... ^.^

Wait for him.. He is coming.. He is the best.. 

God-ordained, God-planned, God-centered relationship..

It is the best love story.. <3

~~Love, Love
~~Yuki - *waiting for the 1*

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Prayer of the Optimist

God, grant that I may see the joke of things,
The little things that bother now and then.
God grant my sense of humor may be strong
To weep a bit and then to smile again.

God grant there be a chuckle in each tear,
To every trial, God grant a funny half.
So when I'm being judged, perhaps you'll say:
"Are you the soul who always tried to laugh?"

And when I nod and answer, "Yes, I am,
I tried to kill my troubles with a grin,"
Perhaps you''ll smile and say, "That was a task!
But here's the Gate of Heaven. Enter in!"

- Bruno Hagspiel
from the book "1000 stories you can use"

Try to be optimistic.. It will really help you.. U'll never be sorry.. ^^

               Love love,
          ~~ Yuki 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Be Encouraged.. ^^

Know who really loves you like no other.. ^^

Open your heart and Be inspired today..

Love love..

       ~~ Yuki

Monday, October 1, 2012

Tea time! ^.^

At the bakeshop...

Strawberry tea! kyaaaa.. ^.^

I love tea..

By the way, it's the first day of October! YeY! ^o^

Happy October everyone! 

      ~~ Yuki 
Cuteki cute
Cuteki greetings